Most entrepreneurs are full of ideas for starting new businesses. And while business ideas can be exciting, they can also be overwhelming… and even scary at times, especially when it comes to deciding which one to pursue.
Starting a business seems like a great idea....
But it can soon become overwhelming. So many steps, requirements, and regulations. And then you have to determine if you have a marketable idea and whether it will create the kind of success that you really want.
From idea to implementation
This course is designed to take you from inspiration to income. We will come up with profitable business ideas and align with your passion to eventually create income.
You need to check out your idea against these three criteria
There are so many books and courses for new businesses and coming up with profitable business ideas. Books that tell you about business plans and accounts. But before you start to pull together these processes, you need to know that you have:
1. Profitable business ideas.
2. A business model that is a fit for the life and income you want to create.
3. A product or service that people want to buy!
RoadMap To success
It will take you on a journey from coming up with profitable business ideas, to testing and packaging what you are going to sell, and to show you how to actually make money now.
Self-Paced training
This course is a self paced step by step course that is broken up into chapters. This course is presented in 2 ways to fit your learning style.
1. Video Training
2. Powerpoint Slides